Powering on the cooperative way

Dear Members,

As we all deal with the new realities brought on by the coronavirus, I want to assure you that your local electric cooperative is here to help you. We have always had an Emergency Plan that has served us well in a variety of circumstances, from ice storms to tornadoes to flash floods. Early in this crisis, our staff updated that plan with a special emphasis on ensuring we can continue to provide the reliable electric service you have come to expect from your electric cooperative.

So far, that is exactly what has happened. We know that after a sufficient supply of food and water, electricity is the No. 1 thing you need to maintain some sense of normalcy as we hunker down in our homes. With that in mind, keeping the power flowing is Job 1 for everyone involved in maintaining the electric cooperative system.

That starts with our generation and transmission cooperative, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, which has taken measures to ensure its workforce is healthy and its power plants are functioning as needed. It includes Northfork Electric Cooperative where business may be a bit unusual, but our service remains the same.

We thought you might want to know some of the steps we have taken in order to keep your power flowing. We’ve closed our lobby and drive thru to prevent the spread of germs. Instead, we are encouraging members to use our drop box located in the drive thru, the SmartHub App, Pay Now on our website, our automated phone payment line at 844-759-3983 and the “good old” U.S. Postal Service to pay bills.

Beginning Friday, March 27, most of our employees will be working from home. Our office staff have remote access to our computer system, and they will be able to continue serving you remotely by providing functions such as accounting and communications from their homes. Our linemen will be at home waiting to respond to essential field calls. We do ask that during this time of uncertainty that anytime you encounter one of our crews you observe proper social distancing. This will help ensure your safety and health as well that of our line crews.

Rest assured if you call, the phones will be answered as always. We do have our member service representatives, dispatcher and members of our management team still reporting to the headquarters building each day.

New routines are in place for contractors working on our system in order to keep them away from employees. Deliveries are being restricted to just materials necessary to keep power flowing. We have put in place extra cleaning procedures for our office, warehouse and vehicles.

Our management team is meeting constantly to fine-tune this plan. We are in constant contact with the other electric cooperatives in Oklahoma and with the Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives, which in turn is working closely with our national association, the state legislature, Governor Stitt, Oklahoma Emergency Management and FEMA.

So far, it is working well, and everyone is adapting to the new norm. That’s because we’ve done this before. Nothing brings out the best in our employees better than a crisis situation. It’s kind of like gold that has been tested in fire…stronger and more beautiful!

Our focus here is on doing our part to keep your life as normal as possible through this situation and beyond. The cooperative way of doing business has brought us this far, and the cooperative way will help us through this crisis.

All the best to everyone. Stay healthy, stay home and we will get through this together, the cooperative way!

Lisa Dailey

Chief Operating Officer

Northfork Electric Cooperative

Connie Ferrero